TRAining for artists

Price Your Art Masterclass

Learn how to price your work appropriately and confidently

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“It helped me shed unrealistic pricing anxieties and confidently value my work based on its true worth and market potential. No more underselling or overshooting just fair, sustainable prices that will feel right for potential customers and my business.”
DARLENE Marino - Aotearoa nz
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Created by

Lillian Hetet Owen

Business Coach for Creatives
From the Hetet family of artists, Lillian Hetet Owen established the family gallery for more than a decade and founded several gallery-gift stores that she successfully operated for 6 years and from where she sold a wide range of art and handcrafted items to buyers form all over the world.

Lillian brings more than 20 years bricks-and-mortar business experience plus 9 years of website and online marketing know-how and 10 years as an educator and trainer.

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